Oct 14, 2021 | Course, Investments
MPW is not a broker nor a trading platform. Therefore the subscriber for operations must choose a broker or a platform that has suitable characteristics. Here are some essential tips to make this choice. In particular, on the commissions applied, they can nullify the...
Sep 10, 2021 | Course, Investments
What to expect There are many areas in which a person with specific knowledge and extensive experience will tend to perform significantly better than a neophyte systematically. Because in many human activities, the more knowledge and experience is accumulated, the...
May 18, 2021 | Course, Investments
Day trading or Intraday is a type of trading characterized by a period limited to a single trading session. MPW suggests Day Trading only to achieve a higher goal: the potential generation of resources to be set aside for future purposes. With this in mind, it adopts...
Jan 3, 2021 | Course, Investments
As life gets longer, longevity risk, i.e., the risk of not having enough resources in the latter part of life compared to what would be needed to ensure a good quality of life, is a problem that affects an increasing number of people. Especially the new generations,...