In many industries, machines perform better than humans and continuously.

In trading stocks as well.  Usually. The performances below show it.

Algo 4 Stocks


Daily Best Stocks Algorthmic Bulletin

For Day-Trading on NYSE

With 2 operations only, a day


Fully automatable execution via

IFTTT platform and

Alpaca broker (soon other brokers too)




To know how it works and the communiuty






The tool you need…


... when the goal is to create recurring Passive Income

Passive income plays an important role in generating income because it allows you to have additional resources, without any attention to be paid. Algo4stocks is a simple tool to activate (see the procedures), potentially very profitable because the stock market has always been a rich place where, every day, wealth is redistributed.


    ... the trading is a very helpful industry to exploit

    As in many sectors, even in trading, machines are much more effective than men. They can examine incredible amounts of data in real time and possess enormous computational capabilities. They offer consistency of results and operation without mood or fatigue.
    Even if the intuition of the successful trader is lacking, the machine makes up for it with the constancy of performances, statistically recurring.

    ... for automatic daily results

    You can automate trading operations using our partners: IFTTT platform and  ALPACA broker (soon other brokers too). See the Performance over the last 30 calendar days:

    No-Leverage – Intraday – Gross commission – You may change your favourite strategy whenever you want, as well as stop it.

    Strategies for every trend. 

    ... with complete historical data

    Even if past data does not guarantee future results and on the stock market there is always the possibility of losing everything, you will be able to deepen all our historical information to better understand our approach. It’s all transparently in your hands.


    .. all packed in ..

    My Private Welfare

    The trustesd financial self- protection-partner for the distant future

    What is MPW?

    It is a tool system to overcome the discrimination created by the different levels of financial knowledge of people that affects their well-being. It consists of 3 tools, suitable for everyone, focused on building a solid future:
    1 – create surplus income (passive income) through our Profitable Stock Daily Bulletin valid for day trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Third-party IFTTT platform and ALPACA broker fully automate it.
    2 – A course to maximize working income (active income).
    3 – A course with the best strategies for Financial-Wellness (portfolio income).

    Anyone under 40 will likely be over 100 years old.

    Are you financially ready for this scenario?

    It’s your Longevity Risk; MPW helps you manage it successfully.


    What MPW is not?

    MPW is learning platform, not a broker, nor a trading platform, nor a financial consultant.


    Who we are

    We have decades of math and finance experience. It is our algorithm that generates the daily stock bundles.


    What do we do

    Our tools immediately give you an economic advantage because you receive the information of the daily Bulletin extracted from our algorithm exclusively on a mathematical basis. With this information, from the first day, you can activate an income surplus channel for your objectives. The full trading execution through your favourite broker. In addition to “learning by viewing” your operations, the courses introduces you to the best strategies to maximize your working income and acquire the most suitable vision to optimize your financial wellness. Our approach eases the learning curve for newbies even though our data analysis guide is based on sophisticated algorithms, usually suited for trading experts.


    Our transparency

    Every day we publish results of the previous day (which are public data available everywhere). We also post the (algebraic) sum of our results for the last 30 days. The whole history of our daily bundles is available for backward analysis and transparency, even if it’s clear that past data doesn’t make any insurance for future results.


    Further details

    Stocks are taken from the New York Stock Exchange. No trading leverage is supposed to be used.


    Please read this important information carefully before entering this website. It contains legal and regulatory notices relating to the information on this website. By accessing the site, you accept this text, the Terms and Conditions, and the Privacy Policy, so read everything carefully. We publish platforms for didactic purposes with a plurality of learning models. MPW and My Private Welfare are registered trademarks.

    You acknowledge that we research and provide application models that users can exploit. Also note that our research starts from the consideration that most people had a social deficit between the ages of 0 and 25, which, with varying degrees, caused them to lack the know-how that would have been useful today to get more income. It is a cultural discrimination that we strive to counter by providing awareness and operational tools for general use.
    We focused the field of our action on the problems caused by the lengthening of life, the Longevity Risk, on how they are reflected on the single individual in his first half of the working phase. And on what possible contrasting actions we can take in place for the distant future, but at the same time, effective in raising the quality of life in the present time (concerning the characteristics of the single individual) and in guarding against foreseeable, unforeseen events. We also research the valuable tools that are ready-to-use and suitable for everyone.

    Warranties and Limitations of Liability
    You acknowledge and agree that we have made no implications, guarantees, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees of any kind about future results or that you will earn any money, and that we have not authorized any such projections, promises or representations from others. We have reminded you that it is necessary to obtain tax advice from a tax professional, the same for investments from a qualified expert, and legal aspects from a legal adviser. We assume no responsibility for any information you provide that falls into these categories.
    There is no relationship with incentives or offers of network marketing activities, Ponzi schemes, or pyramid schemes. Each subscriber has no organizational or hierarchical relationship with the others.

    Investment Disclaimer
    You acknowledge and accept that this platform does not offer collection, advice, or asset management, reserved only for qualified professionals. You accept that we are not financial, tax, or legal professionals but trainers. We do not believe in any method, nor do we lead to believe that making money is easy, fast, or guaranteed. You should consult a professional for advice on these matters. We provide absolutely no guarantees of success, monetary or otherwise. We assume no responsibility for the time or money spent on this membership, products, advertising, support, or otherwise.

    Fair use and confidentiality
    Only one person can access the platform. If we verify that a member allows others to use their account to access the platform, we will remove that person without refund. You may not share this information with others; we will terminate without refund those who shares news elsewhere. The same applies if a subscriber causes the damage of any kind, direct or indirect, to the platform, MPW, and My Private Welfare or its founders. This also includes the financial claim for damages.

    Results may vary from person to person due to many factors. You agree that although you follow this platform, you may not receive the desired results. We are not responsible for your well-being or income. Please be aware of this and accept it.

    In identifying valuable tools, we also operate in the field of research and analysis of the dynamic behavior of the stock exchange. We have created an algorithm (our intellectual property) as a technical tool to facilitate learning. Its function is to report up to 10 potentially profitable New York Stock Exchange stocks daily on the same trading day as the forecast. Each user can evaluate whether these data are worthy of attention and use them as he deems most convenient. To avoid discrimination against the least competent in the field and those who don’t have time, our platform allows to automate data transmission to the user’s broker daily.

    Past results
    Any results shown (gross of taxes) have historical value only and do not imply any expectations for the future.

    Money security
    In any case, we limit ourselves to extracting signals; we never know what use the user can make of them, nor information (consistency and movements) on his account at his trusted broker. We just make our data available to the broker (through the connecting platform or Metatrader integration, never indicating the quantities other than splitting them into equal parts).

    No performance guarantees
    We allow data exchange between our platform and third parties, mainly concerning the automation of the trading flow. As third-party platforms do the trading execution, we cannot be held responsible for the proper execution of the trades. We only ensure that our data is adequately made available for exchange. We always remain unaware of the use made of it in the execution, even if it is done.

    We publish all our data/results in real time. They refer to day trading with transactions that last a maximum of 6 hours, in the model that assumes intervention at opening and exit at closing, with reliquidation of the investment. In our research, our algorithm is focused on day trading, and we compare it to the S&P500 index for benchmarking purposes. Our model has no relationship with traditional or systematic day trading, nor with multiday trading and therefore, the results can also be very different.