Non Profit Organizations

Offer your followers, able to trade, a new donation experience

We have approached trading with the First Principles Methodology, a pattern of thinking derived from physics, which means reducing every problem to its fundamental truths and reasoning bottom-up from these truths rather than by analogy. We use Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to produce daily forecast data for the NYSE and Nasdaq, which continuously records high-profile quality and quantity. The data can be used with any broker by anyone.

MPW for NPO is the new channel for earning donations through people’s trading activities. Both NPOs and their followers may have huge benefits.


First relevant benefit as donation improver


It is a daily BULLETIN  tool focused on day-trading on the NYSE or NASDAQ (fully automatable with any preferrede broker for subscribe & forget)

The NPO can make it available to its sympathizers with three possible options.

The user opens an account with the broker indicated by the NPO giving the task of turning over the surplus every month as a donation:

A – relative to the S&P500

B – relative to the inflation rate

C – compared to the initial capital

 With MPW, the NPO has the advantage of being able to offer its sympathizers who are regular investors in the stock exchange, a simple, modular tool capable of satisfying the different needs of donors.



The cornerstone of MPW is its transparency; the data published daily are useful for the day only. Every evening all operations are closed in order to have certainty of the results and no nighttime anxiety.


Alternative Investments for donors

Alternative investments as a goal, immediately usable, available to each NPO to enhance their funding system.


Customed version

MPW can in 30 days to make available to the NPOn a taylor-made version that can start generating money from day one.


Communication support

MPW ensures support to the Marketing Department of the NPO to speed up communication with its community.


Second relevant benefit as donation improver


For each donor who joins the program, MPW transfers to the ONLUS the average marketing costs saved for the acquisition of a new member, if paying. This every month, as long as the subscription continues.



Third relevant benefit for NPO Donors


Likewise, each Donor will be refunded the cost of the subscription by taking advantage of the BMI Reward Program.


Fourth relevant benefit for NPO Donors


To spread awareness, MPW offers 12 months of free membership to everyone under 25

How to get donations without donor funds


Donors do not donate their own capital but make it available only temporarily, remaining owners.
They donate only the surplus accounted for.

Need further details?



our Mission

Identify unconventional alternatives, easy to use, to operate in an extraordinarily complex world such as trading—unsophisticated ways but practical and for everyone. 


our Bulletin

We publish the NYSE & Nasdaq Daytrading Best-Stocks BULLETIN every day, allowing you to deal with the investment unconventionally, with the certainty of always being liquid at the end of each session.
The Bulletin is published starting from the opening of the exchange, each time with a maximum of 10 potentially profitable shares for that day. It requires only 1 operation, at the time of publication of the Bulletin, with closure of the operation at most 30 minutes before the end of the session. The use of financial leverage is not envisaged.


our Automation

To exploit the Bulletin data in real-time, we have defined an integration for Metatrader (4 and 5). MPW plans to make the data used in any format that is useful to the Institutional.


our Tool for

A – Automatable Day-Trading Opportunities

B – Lazy Traders

C – Longevity Risk

D – Liquidity  Defender

E – Recovery of Inflation 


How MPW Research works

Our BULLETIN identifies the sessions’ stocks daily without human intervention and considers only mathematical aspects, excluding rumors, trends and forecasts.

MPW Research challenge is about producing everyday evidence that even trading machines supersede humans. Our algorithm achieves a high accuracy ratio on trading days.

Our algorithm was designed in 2020, coded, tested and finetuned until Sept 2021. From this date, we began a long validation process, showing excellent results below.

Ask Insights

NYSE Daytrading
Best-Stocks BULLETIN

Quarterly Metrics

We developed a Quarterly Metrics table grouping results per quarter.
Sharpe Ratio is available since 2021’s fourth quartile.

Sharpe Ratio

We developed a Sharpe Ratio table grouping results per quarter.
Sharpe Ratio is available since 2021’s fourth quartile.

resources and support

Helping you outperform and deliver value to clients.

Our research goes on, in order to further improve the algorithm success ratio.

Hystorical data are made available on this site so you can study them throuughly.
Every day we publish yesterday’s data.


Our tech team is looking forward to answer your question, listen to your requests, help you improve the way you want to use our BULLETIN data.

Our roadmap moves toward adding support for the major world stock exchanges. We’re open to supporting you in speeding up the Exchange you’re most interested in working with.